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[the author]

by Kos

Kezia Kos was born in Sao Paulo, SP in 1980, the second child of Silvio dos Santos Silva and Lina de Oliveira Silva. Despite her mother’s expectations of a hyperactive baby like her firstborn, Kleber, she was surprised to give birth to a tiny silent and sleepy child that many times she had to wake up to check if the child was still alive and  breathing.

Thanks to a very curious nature and the family motto that children were to be seen, not to be heard, Kezia developed an early appetite for the written word. Such was her curiosity, that when preparing for the next school year, her mother would buy all the books  prior to the beginning of the classes, but by the time school began Kezia would have already read all of them.

As she grew, her curiosity expanded to other subjects, and due to an agreement with her parents (each child was to do one extra curricular activity, either music or languages, not both), she ended up being enrolled into English classes when she was seven years old.

She never stopped learning languages. She thrived in them, starting to work as interpreter in church conferences when she was just fifteen years old.

She studied from kindergarten all the way to the eight grade in same Catholic School, where she studied Spanish as most of the nuns were of Spanish Origin. Later she graduated from High School a Public School, where she prepared herself to study Translation and Interpretation at Mackenzie University where she studied English and French.

After graduation she decided to take her chances abroad, and worked as Au Pair in Italy, where she learned Italian, then moved to Ireland before finally learning German when she lived for the first time in Germany.

Upon her return to Brazil on her first big adventure in Europe, she landed a job in business and corporate immigration in traditional consulting firm in Brazil, where she stayed for three years before she sought out new opportunities abroad.
She moved to Dubai for one year and three months, before family made her return home, and it is here that the Kintsugi story officially begins.

Upon her return she struggled to find a job due to the financial crisis of 2008 and 2009, so she ended up settling down as a personal secretary in a law firm for two years. During her period in the firm, the family house of cards began to unveil, and in order to save her sanity and her life, she began attending therapy and creative writing classes.

Her first fanfiction was written and posted on on April 27th 2010, and after more than sixty stories her readers demanded her to write original fiction.

As the health of her father was declining gradually due to an aggressive form of leukemia which had no treatment, he begged her to write the stories he used to tell where when sitting down for coffee and cake, which he told and retold her countless times.

After leaving her position as a secretary she went back to immigration, in a business she is working until today. This job brought her to Germany in 2015, where she lives in a yellow home surrounded by huge tropical plants, posters of long dead painters and a yellow lemon tree.


She started in 2017 to work on the Kintsugi project, finally writing the stories of her family and finishing the first draft on the airport stopover on her flight back to Brazil in January 2021, when she headed home with the full intention of having her mother committed to a psychiatric hospital.

She is currently seeking representation and her first book will be published by Ukiyoto Publishing in 2022.

© 2024 by Kezia Kos

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